Amazon (abebooks/ ZVAB) zieht sich offensichtlich aus Osteuropa zurück?!

Prag - Die tschechischen Kollegen Jan and Ondrej Schick vom Antikvariát Valentinská in Prag berichten von einer Kündigung ihres Verkäuferkontos durch abebooks zum 30.11.2018 und bitten um Unterstützung.

(c) Antikvariát Valentinská
Aus dem Kontext der Kündigung schließen die Kollegen, daß nicht nur ihr in der Prager Altstadt gelegenes, sondern auch viele andere osteuropäische Antiquariate von diesem überraschenden Schritt betroffen sein könnten:

"To whom it may concern: is a large antiquarian bookstore based in the 
centre of Prague, Czech Republic. We have been selling books through 
ZVAB for about 15 years now. In 2014, we joined AbeBooks; in 2015, ZVAB 
definitely ceased to exist as a distinct website for booksellers.

Meanwhile, Abebooks has become the largest and almost singular 
marketplace for selling antiquarian books on a worldwide basis. The 
simple truth is that whether someone likes it or not, there is no 
reasonable alternative to AbeBooks at the moment.

In all those years, we have done our best to satisfy our customers and 
to maintain the best seller rating. We have never encountered a major 
complaint, neither by our customers nor by the administrators of 
AbeBooks. Whatever money we have taken in, we have regularly shared the 
agreed upon portion of our profit with the owners. Currently, we offer 
more than 20,000 individual titles on AbeBooks, from the Late Middle 
Ages to brand-new books.

On Thursday, 18 October, we received the following email from the seller 
support of AbeBooks:

"Effective November 30, 2018, AbeBooks will no longer support sellers 
located in certain countries. Your business is located in one of the 
affected countries and your AbeBooks seller account will be closed on 
November 30, 2018. We apologize for this inconvenience."

The decision to close our account on such short notice has come as a 
complete shock, especially sinco no reason was not given even upon 
request. Just our company alone will almost certainly have to dismiss at 
least five employees. Furthermore, we do not have any idea where else to 
sell about 20,000 foreign books.

We are deeply concerned about this step, not only because of our own 
financial losses to come.

In light of the monopoly position of AbeBooks, closing all seller 
accounts in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary (as far as we know, 
these are the countries concerned) will basically mean nothing short of 
cutting these countries off from the worldwide trade with antiquarian 
books. Which countries will be next?
Whatever the reasons may be, the fair worldwide trade with antiquarian 
books will not profit from this step.

We therefore kindly ask the AbeBooks and Amazon administration to 
reconsider this unfortunate and discriminatory step.

Jan and Ondrej Schick
Antikvariát Valentinská
Valentinská 8
110 00 Praha 1 - Staré Město

Czech Republic"

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