Pulp Fiction ...

DecaturHier ein kleiner Hinweis darauf, was ein gewiefter Antiquar alles anbieten kann, vorausgesetzt das Material wird entsprechend attraktiv aufbereitet und angeboten.

(c) Kenneth Mallory Bookseller

Aber lassen wir den Kollegen Kenneth Mallory für sich selbst sprechen:

"Please find below a selection of some of our favorites from a newly acquired collection of vintage pulps that runs the full gamut of titillation in mid century America. In the interest of brevity and some laziness on our part, we haven't bothered with synopses as it's pretty easy to tell what's going on from the title and cover illustrations, but if you really need to know drop us a line.

While this is only a small selection of what we have on hand, more can be seen here.

Items may be secured via email (ken@mallorybooks.com), phone (404-713-1521) and of course through mallorybooks.com. At our website you can also sign up to be notified when material in your specific collecting interest is added and browse newly cataloged items here.


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