New York - Die Ex-Kollegin Abby Schoolman schließt ihr Antiquariat in New York, wie das Börsenblatt berichtet, aber vielleicht betreibt sie ja ihr interessantes blog über moderne Buchbinderei in Amerika weiter, auf das wir auf diesem Wege hinweisen möchten:

"I am in love with books: the content, the structure, and the binding. Books, when everything goes well, are the perfect combination of my love of literature and decorative arts.

I’m a former antiquarian bookseller, archivist, and rare book librarian. I got to play with and talk about the best books in the world every day.

However, I didn’t realize until recently that something was missing. I dedicate this blog to those unintentionally responsible for my revelation: an auction house, a man with a vision, and a bookbinder.

This blog is not about them or my work. It is a chronicle of my investigations into contemporary designer bookbinding in the Americas. I don’t know what I will find. I don’t even know if what I write will be technically accurate. I do know that it will be fun.

Abby Schoolman"

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