Ein Preis für Sammler ... in den Neuengland-Staaten
Boston - Die Ticknor Society lobt einen Preis für eine originelle Sammlung aus, "The George and Anna Eliot Ticknor Collecting Prize", leider lokal begrenzt auf Sammler, die an der amerikanischen Ostküste in einem der Neuengland-Staaten leben.
Die Stifter erklären, an wen sich die Ausschreibung richtet:
"To be considered for the Ticknor Book and Book Culture Collecting Prize, collections must be compiled, curated and owned by the contestant. An eligible collection may include books, manuscripts and ephemera. Collections will not be judged on their size or market value, but on their originality and creativity. The collector must be a resident of one of the six New England states."
The Ticknor Society
c/o Christopher Carter
1910 Dorchester Avenue, #504
Boston, MA 02124-3780.
Trotzdem eine sehr gute Idee - sollte man nachmachen.
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Portrait of Anna Eliot Ticknor (d.1897) of Boston, Mass. |
Die Stifter erklären, an wen sich die Ausschreibung richtet:
"To be considered for the Ticknor Book and Book Culture Collecting Prize, collections must be compiled, curated and owned by the contestant. An eligible collection may include books, manuscripts and ephemera. Collections will not be judged on their size or market value, but on their originality and creativity. The collector must be a resident of one of the six New England states."
The Ticknor Society
c/o Christopher Carter
1910 Dorchester Avenue, #504
Boston, MA 02124-3780.
Trotzdem eine sehr gute Idee - sollte man nachmachen.