Alte Bücher in Budapest

Budapest - Der ungarische Antiquariatsverband der ILAB lädt zur zweiten großen Messe in Budapest ein.

Released into the public domain (by the author).

Tamás Krasznai aus der Geschäftsstelle des ungarischen Verbandes schreibt:

"You can reach the application form, terms and conditions of participation on the links below:

Please fill in and sign the Exhibition Application Form and return it directly to the Organisers to

Tamás Krasznai,

Should you need further information or add comments, please do not hesitate to contact the Organiser at:

Zoltán Révhegyi, Tamás Krasznai
CongressLine Ltd.
H-1065 Budapest, Révay köz 2. T: +36 1 429 0146
F: +36 1 429 0147

I look forward to seeing you in September!"

Und der ILAB-Ehrenpräsident Norbert Donhofer assistiert:

"Dear colleagues and friends,
I would like to encourage you to participate in the 2nd International Antiquarian Book Fair at Budapest later this year. The marvellous premises of the „Pesti Vigadó“, a concert hall built in the second half of the 19th century, is situated at the eastern banks of the Danube, and just a few steps from the most elegant pedestrian zone of Váci utca, the Opera House, and the famous Café Gerbeaud. The „Muzéum körut“ with many book shops is in walking distance as well.
The first International Antiquarian Book Fair at Budapest, back in 2016, and following ILAB’s Congress, was a very successful start, and has proved that there is enormous interest in rare and valuable books, manuscripts, and prints. Private customers from Hungary as well as from several neighborstates, and curators from various Hungarian libraries had flooded the fair during the opening hours then, and many sales were settled within these two and a half days.
Our Hungarian colleagues had organized the 2016 event outstandingly and I am very sure that they will do their best also this year.
An astonishingly well educated audience, the overwhelming politness of our Hungarian colleagues, the elegant premises, and the very fine Hungarian cuisine (an important factor for antiquarian booksellers) should be incentive enough to sign up soon!
I hope to meet with many of you this September in Budapest!

Kivánom a legjobbakat,

Norbert Donhofer, President of Honor of ILAB/LILA

Az iPademről küldve"

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