Salone della Cultura - 20. und 21. Januar in Mailand: Antiquariatsmesse und mehr ...

Mailand - Vom befreundeten Antiquar Sergio Malavasi, Buchhändler und auch Betreiber der italienischen Plattform für antiquarische Bücher erreicht uns die Einladung zur Teilnahme an einer von ihm mit organisierten Kulturveranstaltung, dem “Salone della Cultura”, einer der Buchkultur gewidmeten Veranstaltung in der norditalienischen Metropole.

Im Januar 2017 besuchten 30.000 Interessierte diese neue Veranstaltung, im zweiten Anlauf sollen es nun noch mehr werden, zumal in einem speziellen Bereich diesmal auch italienische und ausländische Antiquare eingeladen sind, ihre Schätze zum Verkauf  zu präsentieren.

Ein durchschnittlicher Stand von 3 x 2 Meter Größe mit Tisch etc. wird 990 Euro + MwSt. kosten, mehr Details im Folgenden, bzw. auf der website:

“The Salone della Cultura was born in Milan in January 2017, and since its very first edition it has had a great success: 35,000/37,000 people have come. The result was exceptional. Being able to involve readers, collectors, bibliophile and “seekers of paper treasurers” in a common celebration that celebrates the book’s culture in all its facets. The main idea is to unify the different worlds of the book: the publishers with their novelties, the booksellers of secondhand and the collectors.

Since 2018 edition ALAI/ILAB/LILA has come to be part of it. A big event where book will be the absolute protagonist and Milan the center of the European book culture for two days. The promoters are two well-established bookmakers in the italian book world: Matteo Luteriani, publisher of Luni Editrice and Sergio Malavasi of
The general organization of the Salone della Cultura is under the direction of Matteo Luteriani.
The event’s home is located in one of the most trendy areas in Milan, well-known for the “fuorisalone” exhibition during the world furniture exhibition (Salone del mobile): Superstudio Più.

These are the datas of 2017:

* 2 days of exposure (21 and 22 January 2017)
* Covered indoor area: 6,300 sqm
* Exhibitors: Over 250 booksellers, publishers, foundations and collectors
* Public: Approximately 35,000 people
* Exhibitions of art and photography: 7
* Courses open to the public: 3 general courses: pop up book making, engraving course, goldsmith’s course
* Print your book for free: 1156 authors have taken 10 copies of their free book of 400,000 pages printed
* High school students were involved in the organization: 140 students (junior, senior year)

Edition 2018 - January 20 and 21

Thanks to an agreement signed with A.L.A.I. which involves the participation of Italian and international antique booksellers, we have reserved a space dedicated to the world of antique books and antique booksellers. For the first time in the world all these realities will have their own and appropriate space to their importance and together we will create a great international cultural moment.

To participate

The antique booksellers will have a completely reserved space, set up in two very simple ways:
• a 3x2 meter stand
• 200 x 100 cm table + 5-storey glass showcase. In order to be able to participate, you must have a minimum of 1 table + 1 showcase for a total of 450.00 euro + VAT. It is possible to add the number of tables and showcases as much as it’s needed.

Below the details’ costs:
* Pre-installed stand: 3m length x 2m depth, 3 shelves on the bottom wall, 3 shelves on the right or left wall (one depending on positioning), 1 showcase A format or B format as desired (to be specified); 1 table 100x60cm; 1 chair; 1 light socket: € 990.00 + VAT (€ 1207.80 total) * 200x100cm table, complete with flame retardant cloth + 1 chair + 1 socket + 5-storey A or B case: 450,00 euro + VAT (€ 549,00 total) - each additional table: € 200,00 + VAT (€ 244,00 total) - each additional showcase: € 250.00 + VAT (€ 305.00 total) - each additional chair: € 10 + VAT (€ 12.20 total) Any other specifics to participate it can be found at:

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